Within the Chain.io portal, you can download Integration Flow configurations and upload them to other Integrations that support the same Flow type. This makes it easy to migrate data from one Flow to another.
Downloading Flow Configurations
To download a Flow configuration, navigate to your Integration Settings
In the table, locate the Flow you would like to duplicate and click, Edit on the right.
In the Flow configuration screen, at the bottom of the screen, on the left side of the action bar, click Download Flow Configuration.
In the modal, type a password. This is a security feature that is needed to import the Flow configuration file securely.
Click Download and select a location on your computer to place the file.
You can now upload this file to another Integration within Chain.io that supports the downloaded Flow type. Continue reading for instructions on how to upload this Flow configuration file to an Integration
Uploading Flow Configurations
To upload a Flow configuration file, first navigate to the Integration Settings of the Workspace Integration you want to add the configuration to.
Select, Upload Flow Configuration
In the modal, click on Browse and select the Flow configuration file you wish to upload from your computer. Then enter the password you had set up for the file when you downloaded the Flow configuration.
Select whether you want to update an existing Flow, or create a new Flow using the uploaded file.
If you choose, Update Existing, you will be prompted to choose which Flow you would like to update.
Next select the configuration components you want to add to the existing flow.
If you choose to add a new Flow configuration to the Integration you will be taken immediately to the modal above to select the configuration components you wish to upload.
Next, click Import Flow Configuration. You should now see your uploaded Flow in the Flow table in your Integration Settings.