In this article:
After a flow is deployed and the flow is invoked based on the parameters defined in the configuration, an execution occurs. Each execution represents one data transfer between a source system and destination system.
You have the ability to view flow executions by navigating to the integration’s executions page and from here you can assess how your flows are processing.
The flow execution page allows you to view a list of executions, filter on them, and assess in more detail on an execution by execution basis.
Filtering Flows
There are a total of 6 filter options that allow you to customize what recordset of executions you want to view.
Starting (Date filter)
Allows you to view transactions that have only been processed on or after the date and/or time you have selected. This can be used in conjunction with the Ending date filter in order to establish a date range that you want to view transactions for.
Ending (Date filter)
Allows you to view transactions that have only been processed before the date and/or time you have selected. This can be used in conjunction with the Starting date filter in order to establish a date range that you want to view transactions for.
Flow Names
Allows you to filter by a single unique flow name.
Allows you to filter on the status of the flow execution. This is useful for troubleshooting executions/flows that are not successful. A list of status and their descriptions are below:
- Success - believes it successfully delivered the data. Click the transaction logs or summary message for anything out of the ordinary. If you don't see anything odd, provide a screenshot to the support team for the system that should have received the data.
- Error - There was a problem with the data. Check the Summary Message and Events sections for more details. Most of the time, error states are either a result of bad data (which you should have the sender fix and retransmit) or an issue with the receiving system that they'll need to investigate. In this example, the trading partner's Cargowise system failed to process the transaction and their IT department will need to access the Cargowise logs to further diagnose the problem.
- Technical Error - This was a problem within the processing environment. You should open a support ticket if we haven't been in touch already.
- Skipped - The flow was invoked but due to the configuration settings, determined that no further action was needed. This can be caused by improper files hitting the source host system configured in the flow or due to filtering configurations to purposely not process certain files.
- Processing - The flow execution is still processing. Wait a minute and refresh the page.
Tag/Response ID
Allows you to filter on important data elements that are found within the flow execution. This is arguably the most useful way to filter down transactions when looking for specific files or use cases. Each integration and flow type has its own set of predefined data tags that can be searched.
For example, if you want to search for all flow executions for house bill GZTTZAN0012 regardless of flow type and date range, then you can filter by the Tag/ResponseID of GZTTZAN0012. (See example below).
Flow Execution-Detail View
From the Execution screen you have the ability to review the execution in more detail by clicking the “View” link on the execution record that you are interested in. This detailed view allows you to jump into the flow execution to give you a comprehensive view of what occurred during the execution. This is particularly useful if you are troubleshooting particular executions or needing to do further analysis of your flows. Outlined below are the important groups of information that are provided for each flow execution.
This is a quick snapshot of high level information that allows you to quickly identify the flow and its status.
- Status - This indicates the status of flow execution (refer to Flow Executions>Statuses to get a detailed list of each status and its description.
- Message - provides a message summary that gives a brief description associated with the status. If an error occurs a description of the error can be found here.
- Flow Name - The name of the flow that this flow execution is for.
- Flow Type - This is the type of flow for an execution. This is particularly useful in understanding the purpose for the flow. Example: Send Freight Invoice
This section allows you to better understand when the flow was executed, how long it took, and if it was manually resubmitted from within the Portal.
- Duration - The amount of time it took for the flow to process.
- Started - The date timestamp of when the flow begin to process.
- Ended - The date timestamp of when the flow execution finished.
This section provides you the ability to take action against the flow execution.
- Resubmit - this allows you to reprocess the data as a new flow execution. This can be particularly useful if you need to re-process a particular file after making some adjustments to the configuration or if one of the endpoints were down at the time of when the original flow executed.
- Flag - This is provided so users can "Flag" specific Executions to set them apart from the others and mark them as important.
- Share - This option allows you to share the flow execution details and logs with partners. This can be useful if you need to have your partners troubleshoot a particular file without granting them access to all of your other integration flows and executions.
- Settings - This takes you directly to the flow configuration settings which is useful after identifying an issue with the flow execution detail screen.
- Linked Executions - This will display a modal of the executions of this Flow that have been resubmitted due to errors or other issues.
- Step Function Console - This is used by for further troubleshooting support.
Data Tags
Data tags are used to identify useful bits of data that is found within the files. We bubble these up to you so that you don’t have to download files to find this information up front. Example of some data tags: House Bill, Invoice Number, Shipment Number, Master Bill of Lading, Shipment Transport Mode.
There are unique UUIDs that can be sent to support so that they can quickly identify a flow execution that you may be referring to in a support ticket.
This section allows you to quickly identify the main configuration options used at the time of this flow execution.
- Source Connection - The source Workspace Host system or Integration Connection that was used at the time of the flow execution.
- Source File Type - The source system file type that was used at the time of the flow execution.
- Destination File Type - The destination system file type that was used at the time of the flow execution.
- Destination Connection - The destination Workspace Host system or Integration Connection that was used at the time of the flow execution.
- Last Deployed - The date timestamp of when the last flow configuration was last deployed. This is used to understand what configuration settings were used at the time the flow was executed.
This section allows you the ability to view and/or download all files associated with the flow execution. This includes the source file received, the final file after transformed the data, and a metadata file for the request we submitted.
This contains the execution logs for the flow which help identify the steps we performed while processing the flow. These logs will also help pinpoint at what point an error occurred in the flow execution process.