Submitting a ticket thorough the Web Widget is done through the following ways:
- Portal:
- Support Website:
Submit via Portal:
First navigate to where you are experiencing the issue - Submitting the ticket from the location you are having the issue is imperative. This will send Support a link redirecting us to the exact location in portal where you are experiencing the issue.
- **General questions can be submitted from the Workspace home page.
- For example: to navigate to where you are experiencing the issue, let's say we are having an issue with a flow or integration. From the Workspace page you want to navigate to the flow/integration where the issue is.
Once there, select the 'Help' button in the top right of the page
- The Support widget will pop open in the bottom right corner. You can search your issue to see if we have any related articles that may be able to resolve the issue without a Support Ticket.
- However, if you still find yourself needing further assistance, click the 'Contact us' button. This will redirect you to the Support website.
Submit via Support Website:
- Select 'Submit a request'
From here you will enter:
- Your name, Email address
- Ticket subject
- Detailed description as well as any applicable attachments.
- Click 'Submit'
When creating a ticket, a few gentle reminders:
- Our support team is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday – Friday.
Tickets received outside of office hours will be collected, however no action can be guaranteed until the next working day. - Once you receive a ticket confirmation email, that means our support team has received your ticket and will respond in the order received.
- If your ticket has been placed on hold and escalated to our engineering team, this will lead to longer response times as we investigate. Updates will be given accordingly.
- To best assist you, please keep your correspondence about your concerns to one ticket—submitting multiple support tickets or initiating conversations in the community regarding the same concern can slow the resolution process.
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